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Split Prepayment Meter

Split Prepayment Meter

DONSUN Split Prepayment Meter is a type of energy meter that based on universally recognized STS standard.Normally, there will be a numerical Keypad on a separate unit called CIU (Client Interface Unit) for the client to punch in a series of 20 digit code to charge their own meter. The communication......

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Product Description

DONSUN Split Prepayment Meter is a type of energy meter that based on universally recognized STS standard.

Normally, there will be a numerical Keypad on a separate unit called CIU (Client Interface Unit) for the client to punch in a series of 20 digit code to charge their own meter. The communication between the meter and CIU is normally by cable, RF or PLC.

DS1800 is built with an IEC 62056-21 compliant optical communications and serial communications. 

It has an embedded communication module with standard UArt port, for RF, PLC and others, enabling AMR/AMI application and implementation.


DS1800 includes all the high functionality: four-quadrant metering; active, reactive, and apparent energy and demand measurements; standard event logs and time-of-use metering; and non-volatile memory for both billed and non-billed interval data

Load Management:

DS1800 has the internal contactor that can be disconnected locally or remotely by the Utility. 

It can be driven directly or driven by the meter at load limiting thresholds, credit expiry or defined events occurrence. Its contactor is compliant to UC 3 according to IEC 62055-31 Annex C.

User Friendly:

DS1800 can be configured by the customer to display English characters or OBIS identification codes. 

An optional battery can support the display during power outages. It also provides a full series of short code for presentation of different data value contained in meter.

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